From March 10th to September 22nd 2022 Prediction

From March 10th to September 22nd (except for a few “on and off” days from late-August to mid-September) – DX + RX Saturn ( Direct and Retrograde) in late-Capricorn / early-Aquarius will 10th-aspect FM TR Ketu (Functional Maleific Transit) in early-Scorpio / late-Libra – within a 5* or less orb. (5 degrees)
This impact is more serious for Cancer + Virgo + Pisces Lagnas – for whom both Saturn and Ketu are FMs. (Functional Maleifics)
1) It is an unusually long spell – brought about by the hovering of TR Saturn in DX + RX mode on the border of Capricorn and Aquarius.
2) From March 21st to April 28th – TR Jupiter in late-Aquarius / early-Pisces will mutually trine with FM TR Ketu in late-Libra
For CANCER lagna Saturn and Jupiter and Ketu are ALL FMs
so this period of late-March to late-April will be a particularly heavy period for CANCER natives and CANCER countries…including USA…
In effect the US leadership will take actions that will impact negatively on all their friends and enemies (that’s the whole world)
Now what does this mean for us?
Simply put it means we are f-d!
As in from March 10 when the result of elections to the 5 states in India were declared to April 28 it’s going to be really rock and roll time..
Political upheavals; Samajwadi Party will see a huge crisis that could even result in a split in the party
BJP itself in spite of having done so well will see a very vocal lobby shouting in favour of Yogi Adityanath as a possible successor to Modi
Aam Aadmi Party will also see its first crisis in Punjab after swearing in on March 16, when there will be a public spat between CM Mann and Convenor Kejriwal
In the Congress the process of final dissolution will begin and go on for a long, long time
The Shiv Sena will experience a crisis of existence but will come out of it
The NCP of Sharad Pawar will see rebranding and repositioning
Markets all over the world will see extreme volatility with the first week of April being particularly explosive…
War in Ukraine
There is no easy solution with the planetary influences being such as would encourage all sides to adopt more and more extreme positions
Return Of COVID
And yes, the position of Rahu clearly indicates that an even more virulent and expansive form of COVID will make a reappearance by April-May
There may not be a lockdown but do remember COVID has not yet gone
As I always say everyone pays for their past karma and some for being just bystanders…
The Weekly ephemeris below CANCER TRs for March 28th – when there will be a 4-planet Stellium in Capricorn – with TR Moon and TR Venus and TR Saturn ALL at 27* Capricorn
All Cancer Ascendant guys and girls and trans people…time to pray!

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